HITECH Act Lawyer Cleveland, OH
Knowing your full rights as a patient is crucial if you are ever in a situation where you need the legal assistance of a HITECH Act lawyer that Cleveland, Ohio clients depend on. A person’s health record contains extremely personal information that hospital staff and medical professionals routinely have access to, and patients trust their healthcare providers to treat this important information with care. When a patient’s privacy is violated, they have the right to take legal action. Every patient should be reassured that their personal data is secure and will be handled responsibly by medical staff. As soon as you discover that your patient information has been seen or used by someone who does not have the proper authority to handle it, you should contact a trusted lawyer like one from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A.
HITECH Act Lawyer in Cleveland OH
For decades, clients have looked to the legal team from Mishkind Kulwicki Law Co., L.P.A. for legal assistance that they can trust. Focusing on a number of specialties within personal injury, they have demonstrated success representing many clients, helping them achieve their rightful compensation allowed by the law. They know that clients who have done no wrong do not deserve to pay for the negligent actions of others. Using their targeted experience and complete resources, they will aggressively fight to ensure that their clients’ rights are protected.
Understanding the HITECH Act and Your Patient Rights
The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical (HITECH) Act is a U.S. federal law that was passed in 2009, as a Cleveland, Ohio HIPAA lawyer can explain. The HITECH Act was enacted to promote healthcare providers’ adoption of electronic health records to improve security measures of patient information, as well as promote transparency between providers and patients. It addresses privacy issues and potential security breaches that leave patients’ health records and information exposed and at risk of being stolen.
By transitioning to an electronic records’ system, more advanced cybersecurity protections for healthcare data can be put in place. In addition to privacy and security concerns, the HITECH Act increases penalties against parties who violate the law and also helps patients more easily access current information in their health records. If you would like to know more about how the HITECH Act protects your rights as a patient, a lawyer will be able to give an explanation.
What to Expect From Your Initial Consultation
You may have a lot of questions regarding what a consultation with a lawyer may be like. Rest assured that the initial consultation is an opportunity for you to share a summary of your case details with the lawyer, including any relevant documents. The more information you can provide to the lawyer, the better they will be able to understand and address your particular needs.
Request an Appointment to Discuss Your Case
Filing a claim involving a privacy breach can be complex. To learn more about your possible legal options, contact a Cleveland, OH HITECH Act lawyer now.