Truck Accident


August 2013

Truck and Car Accidents Resulting From Texting

By |2019-03-18T22:02:32+00:00August 15th, 2013|Car Accident, Truck Accident|

Truck and car accidents, as well pedestrian and bicycle accidents, are being increasingly caused by texting while driving. Drivers who send text messages while driving divert their eyes from the road, thereby drifting and becoming disoriented.  Simulations show that texting and driving are as dangerous as drunk driving.  I have handled several of these cases and am currently handling [...]

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February 2013

Federal Regulations May Apply to Small Trucks

By |2019-03-18T22:02:40+00:00February 13th, 2013|Car Accident, Truck Accident|

I just read an interesting article called Small Trucks, Big Regulations published by a very smart lawyer in Atlanta, Georgia, Joseph Fried.  Fried pointed out that in some circumstances, pickup trucks and other small frame trucks may be subject to the same regulations that apply to semi tractor trailer rigs.  We are familiar with the federal regulatory [...]

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