For Attorneys


January 2012

Facebook Posts & Pictures … Can They be Used to Destroy my Case?

By |2025-02-17T17:47:37+00:00January 30th, 2012|For Attorneys|

Everyone seems to be using Facebook for business and private reasons. What happens when you become involved in a lawsuit and the attorney representing your opponent wants you to produce everything you have posted on your FB page? In a recent case that we handled, what appeared to be an innocent comment became a potential [...]

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June 2011

Should Ohio Adopt Federal Rule 26 on Expert Discovery?

By |2019-03-18T22:03:33+00:00June 5th, 2011|For Attorneys|

The Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for pretrial discovery of experts was amended in December of 2010 to make the communication between an expert and the attorney less discoverable at deposition than before. In Ohio, most trial courts have given a very liberal interpretation to what must be disclosed by an expert at the time [...]

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